
Showing posts from March, 2011

Anish Kapoor and The D.C. Singularity

Washington cycles out its losers every 2 years, thanks to term limits and/or a mercurial electorate. After the indicators shift ever so slightly on the spectrum of the two party political system, a new regime sets to work rectifying the real or perceived shortcomings of an outgoing government that, no longer around to scurry to/from meetings on the Hill, is quickly forgotten. This exodus of incumbents and their staffs occurs so suddenly and unceremoniously, though, that one wonders if there isn't another, say, entropic, force speeding the unfortunate masses out of town. Enter Anish Kapoor's "At the Hub of Things," an extraordinarily clever and engrossing fiberglass sculpture that, for more than 20 years, has sat in the bowels of the Hirshhorn Contemporary Art Museum. Situated as it is in an all-white alcove with track-lighting positioned behind it on the ceiling, it offers two entirely different experiences depending upon whether the viewer approaches its profile o