Lausanne - the hyper-articulated city

I've been puzzling, ruminating really, over how to conceive of Lausanne, Switzerland, ever since I spent two and a half days there one and a half years ago, and I think I've finally stumbled upon it: Lausanne is the hyper-articulated city. Positively every single corner of it, at least, of its Old Town, which to my mind is rather self-contained, is embellished with a small garden or some well-appointed landscaping, graffiti, or art. This embellishment adds to its complexity: Lausanne looks as though it were planned by M.C. Escher, layer upon imponderable layer, myriad multi-pronged intersections, and angled cobblestoned pedestrian walkways that provide the best means of traversing the many layers. For all its density of expression and complexity of design, it is exceptionally well-curated - everything looks as thought it belongs, as though it couldn't possibly be any other way.

Look for more on Lausanne in the future.


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