Coffee shop weekend

Now that DC is becoming a proper coffee shop town, it is developing a solid corps of eccentric coffee shop knockabouts. In Arlingon, these marginally employed, gregarious people divide their time among several coffee shops and diners. They frequently start up conversations with strangers, and because I'm very nearly one of them (especially this past week as I've spent more time out due to my beloved being out of town), they invariably strike up a conversation with me.

Tonight at the coffee shop, a man I've seen many times on the Arlington scene started talking to me about the weather and then proceeded to talk about a website he was building. The service? A database containing the STD history of subscribers so that whenever a subscriber is pressed by a potential partner to prove his STD status, he can simply pull out a smartphone and put his money where his libido is. It really sounds like a great idea...oh, except for the multitude of privacy concerns, lack of health systems to interoperate with, and...why the hell does this happen to me?!


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