
"I'm really going to do it this time. I'm going to write a blog!" he said with a feigned assertiveness, like some deluded, perennial failure over-compensating for his crippling insecurity and paucity of accomplishments. Think Willy Loman or, better yet, "The Simpsons'" Willy Loman analogue, Gil Gunderson. "This time it'll work out for old Nullprof! You'll see!" 

I've started at least five blogs in my lifetime. Three never earned more than two posts. One was a text-intensive Tumblr that quickly devolved into a standard, image-intensive Tumblr (that's easier than writing, it turns out). One was a Posterous that was active for almost a year until I unceremoniously abandoned it. Earlier this year, Posterous' new owner, Twitter, killed it dead along with all other blogs on that service. So, yeah, I've had a bad history with blogs/blogging. 

Regardless, I'm going to try to start again. I have things to say, and judging by page hits, this blog could be a viable vessel for the conveyance of those things. And, hey, these posts now automagically cross-post to Google+, the world's #1 social network, so I'm certain to gain a huge following among Googlers, America's finest species of nerd!

More to come. See you in 8 months. 

See what I did there?


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